Des Plaines Park District

Winnebago Park Renovation

Winnebago Park Renovation
and Expansion

The Winnebago Park renovation depends on the district receiving funds from an OSLAD Grant.
(Open Space Land and Development)
Updates will be posted here.
For information at any time, please email

The Winnebago Park website has current photos.

Concept presented on July 20, 2020, at the forum held in the park.
Map and directionsWinnebago Park Concept – Renovations and Expansion









PRESS RELEASE: July 13, 2020

Des Plaines Park District Holds Public Forum for Park Renovations

The Des Plaines Park District is hosting a Public Forum on Monday, July 20, from 6:00–7:15pm to discuss plans for the renovation of the Winnebago Park playground, a possible expansion of the park, and addition of amenities. The forum will be held at Winnebago Park, 1218 Margret Street, in Des Plaines. Residents of the neighborhood are encouraged to attend the meeting and provide input on the improvements they would most like to see. References for recent park renovations and amenities will be displayed. Park district staff, administrators, and commissioners will be available to answer questions. In case of inclement weather, the meeting will move to the Leisure Center, 2222 Birch Street Street.

Following the forum, the park district will produce drawings of the proposed renovations and seek bids on new equipment, the demolition and excavation of the current playground, and the construction of a new playground and amenities. All of the work would be done in 2021. “Our goal is always to provide a safe, modern, and unique play experience that will enhance the recreational opportunities in the neighborhood,” said Don Miletic, Executive Director. “Everyone in the Winnebago Park neighborhood will benefit from the exciting advances in recreation design that have taken place since this park was last renovated.”

Administrative & Leisure Center2222 Birch Street • 847-391-5700

Golf Center Des Plaines353 N. River Road • 847-803-GOLF

Lake Park Golf Course & Marina1015 Howard Avenue • 847-391-5730

Mountain View Adventure Center510 E. Algonquin Road • 847-391-5733

Mystic Waters2025 Miner Street • 847-391-5740

Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-390-4949

Prairie Lakes Community Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-391-5711