Skate & BMX Bike Park
Skate and BMX Bike Park
Mountain View Adventure Center Skate and BMX Bike Park
FREE! Open everyday 8a–11p
The expanded and renovated Adventure Center Skate & BMX Park is designed to challenge beginning, intermediate, and advanced users with plenty of ramps and obstacles.
The parks are unsupervised and reserved for skateboard, rollerblade, scooter, and BMX Bike use only.
Use of helmets and pads is strongly encouraged.
The Skate and BMX Park has a wide variety of features:
- 3′ Hipped Bank with 4′ – 6′ Quarter & Sub Box
- 4′ Hipped Mission Control with Hubba & Rail
- Multi Level Grind Box with Planter and Stairs
- Kinked Rail
- 2′ – 6′ Half Pyramid with Rail and Hubba Ledge
- 14′ Curved Grind Box with Down Rail
- 5′ Quarter Pipe with 6′ extension, 18′ wide
- 18′ Grind Rail, 12′ long
- 14′ Grind Bench
- Curved, concrete Grinding Wall
- Shade structure
- Mt. View concession stand is open in spring, summer and fall