Leagues & Lessons
Golf Lessons & Leagues
Beginner lessons are available during the summer and fall for for ages 5 and up. For more information, view our Spectrum, or email Dylan Kuffell at dylan.kuffell@dpparks.org
Lessons Register online
Youth Golf Camp, for ages 8-13. At Golf Center.
G-Ball: Beginners Golf for ages 5–8. At Lake Park.
First Tee Fliers: A Sticks for Kids Program, for ages 8–11. At Lake Park.
Par-3 Pros: A Sticks for Kids Program, for ages 11–15. At Lake Park.
Back Nine Birdies: Adult Beginner Instruction, for ages 16+. At Lake Park.
Leagues Register online
The Des Plaines Eagles. Two leagues for ages 6–15.
PGA Junior Golf League, for youth golfers age 13 and younger. For details, e-mail Dylan Kuffell.