Des Plaines Park District

Athletic Affiliates

Working collaboratively with the park district, our Affiliated Organizations offer a range of athletic opportunities to Des Plaines youth. These dedicated, volunteer organizations provide sports leagues for the community, using district fields and facilities.

For more information about how to register for an affiliate’s programs, please contact them directly.

Des Plaines Youth Baseball

Patrick Duffy, President
Website: Des Plaines Youth Baseball
Facebook: DesPlainesYouthBaseball

Des Plaines Jr Warriors Girls Softball

Emeline Vilchis, President
Website: Des Plaines Girls Softball
Facebook: DesPlainesGirlsSoftball

Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Feeder Football & Cheer

Frank Franchi, President
Website: Jr Warrior Football
Facebook: dpjrwarriors1

Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Feeder Basketball

Corey Wilkes

Des Plaines Lady Warriors Feeder Basketball

Namon Kent

Junior Warriors Soccer Club

Eliades Hernandez
Website: Jr Warrior Soccer
Facebook: @juniorwarriorsoccerclub

Administrative & Leisure Center2222 Birch Street • 847-391-5700

Golf Center Des Plaines353 N. River Road • 847-803-GOLF

Lake Park Golf Course & Marina1015 Howard Avenue • 847-391-5730

Mountain View Adventure Center510 E. Algonquin Road • 847-391-5733

Mystic Waters2025 Miner Street • 847-391-5740

Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-390-4949

Prairie Lakes Community Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-391-5711